
20 Free Ways to Market Your Business Online (1)

Small business owners usually have no major marketing budget. And the money you have, should you put them on the seller who is calling, internet, print media or elsewhere? An error location can break any smaller company. But you, there are ways to market on which is completely free, or at the very least.

It takes an investment of time, but you’re not fully up today, so it can be a great way to get new customers. We will list some common ways and some less common, even some on the verge of crazy marketing methods.

1. Find collaborations (works equally well offline) with other companies where you have the same customer group and complement each other without competing. Then tell customers about each other or agree on a kickback to those who refer customers to you. Have a lunch together to see what you can find more to help each other.

2. Become a fan on different Facebook pages and introduce your company to the other fans. Here you have our Facebook page where you would like to add a link to your website.

3. Announce a contest and find sponsors who pay the prizes.

4. Comment articles and blogs. Write good comments and questions to articles and blogs where you can link to your website. Do it seriously and do not mind spamming.

5. Work with search engine optimization by providing links to your website.

6. Join a forum where you can link to your website from your signature. There you can participate in the discussions and each time you post a post, you automatically get an inlink. It gives both traffic and linkage.

7. Guest blog of someone who has visitors with potential customers. Few bloggers and website owners thank no to posts that are well written and give something to readers. It can be really effective marketing where you can also request a link back to your website with a well-chosen keyword.

Contact us for a call to write.

8. Email marketing and newsletters are a very cost effective marketing, where it is also easy to measure results. Begin collecting email addresses on your website already today. Offer a Pdf with free tips or something else to get more subscribers.

9. Do a market research (works just as well offline) where you find out what the market, your visitors, and even current customers really want. This is not direct marketing but you get a good basis for making direct marketing or DM. It may also be that sometimes we think we know what the customers want without actually having a black on white. There, a market research can save a lot of money and time.

10. Add your website address in your email signature so that it is clearly visible. Every little helps…

11. Write a debate article and get it published on websites and in newspapers.

Keep in mind that a lot of traffic to your website may not necessarily mean many new customers. Bet on the marketing channels where your target audience is. There are Facebook groups, forums and blogs within all industries. If it is not, maybe it’s time for you to start one?

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