
So What Is Money… Really

There is an aphorism that states “it’s not getting the right answer but asking the right question” that is crucial. Readers of this site are surely aware of blurbs like ‘real money’, ‘honest money’, ‘Fiat’ money, printed money, borrowed money… ad infinitum. Indeed, Aristotle named the desirable qualities of money; Money must be durable Money

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Learn From Your Investment Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes when investing. We learn from our mistakes from the moment we are born. By recognizing when we make investment mistakes and making the necessary adjustments to our investing discipline, investors must learn from them. Do we recognize our investing error and learn from it when we lose money on an investment, or

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7 Simple Tips For Investing Success

Although the straightforward fact of investing is that there is risk, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have great investing success without any risk? However, this risk can be minimized with a plan, knowledge, and experience over time, and the end result is a very effective way to achieve your financial goals. The kind of plan

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