In order to ensure that your monthly cash flow is acceptable, it may frequently necessitate a higher down payment, resulting in a mortgage with a lower amount. In an ideal world, you would pay off the mortgage so that there is no doubt that you will receive substantial monthly cash flow. This ought to be an essential part of one’s retirement strategy. If you do this a few times, you won’t have to worry about money in the future, which is the main goal and the reward for buying investment property in the first place.

Depreciation is the meaning of the “D” in IDEAL. You can save money on taxes by using the depreciation of investment real estate. What exactly is depreciation? It is a non-cost accounting strategy for taking into account the total financial burden of investing in real estate. Another way to look at it is that when you buy a brand-new car, its value decreases as soon as you drive it off the lot. The IRS lets you deduct this amount each year from your taxes on your investment real estate property. Kindly note: This is not intended to be tax advice or a lesson in tax policy because I am not a tax professional.

Having said that, the length of time (recovery period depends on the type of property—residential or commercial) and the overall value of the structure of the property determine the depreciation of a real estate investment property. If you’ve ever received a property tax bill, the assessed value of your property is typically broken down into two categories: one for the land’s value and the other for the building’s value. Your total “basis” for property taxation is the sum of these two values.

When it comes to depreciation, you can only deduct the structure’s original base value from your taxes; Due to the fact that land is typically only appreciated, the IRS prohibits depreciation. The structure on the property, like your brand-new car as it drives off the lot, is getting less and less valuable every year as its effective age increases. Additionally, this can help you save money on taxes.

The best illustration of the benefit of this idea is that you can actually turn a property that generates positive cash flow into one that shows a loss (on paper) when dealing with taxes and the IRS by using depreciation. Additionally, you can deduct that paper loss from your income for tax purposes. As a result, it is a significant advantage for those who are specifically seeking a “tax-shelter” for their real estate investments.

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